fn main() {
// Integer addition
println!("1 + 2 = {}", 1u32 + 2);
// Integer subtraction
println!("1 - 2 = {}", 1i32 - 2);
// TODO ^ Try changing `1i32` to `1u32` to see why the type is important
// Scientific notation
println!("1e4 is {}, -2.5e-3 is {}", 1e4, -2.5e-3);
// Short-circuiting boolean logic
println!("true AND false is {}", true && false);
println!("true OR false is {}", true || false);
println!("NOT true is {}", !true);
// Bitwise operations
let a = 0b0011;
println!("{}", a);
println!("0011 AND 0101 is {:04b}", a & 0b0101);
println!("0011 OR 0101 is {:04b}", 0b0011u32 | 0b0101);
println!("0011 XOR 0101 is {:04b}", 0b0011u32 ^
let b = 1u32;
println!("{} << 5 is {}",b, b << 5);
println!("{:06b} << 5 is {:06b}",b, b << 5);
println!("0x80 >> 2 is 0x{:x}", 0x80u32 >> 2);
// Use underscores to improve readability!
println!("One million is written as {}", 1_000_000u32);