// Derive the `fmt::Debug` implementation for `Structure`. `Structure`
// is a structure which contains a single `i32`.
struct Structure(i32);
// Put a `Structure` inside of the structure `Deep`. Make it printable
// also.
struct Deep(Structure);
fn main() {
// Printing with `{:?}` is similar to with `{}`.
let months = 12;
println!("{} {:?} months in a year.", months, months);
println!("{1} {0} is the {actor} name.",
println!("{1:?} {0:?} is the {actor:?} name.",
// `Structure` is printable!
let s = Structure(3);
//println!("Now {} {:?} will print!", s, s);
println!("Now {:?} will print!", s);
// The problem with `derive` is there is no control over how
// the results look. What if I want this to just show a `7`?
let d = Deep(Structure(7));
println!("Now {:?} will print!", d);
println!("Now {:#?} will print!", d);
struct Person<'a> {
name: &'a str,
age: u8
fn show_peter() {
let name = "Peter";
let age = 27;
let peter = Person { name, age };
// Pretty print
println!("{:#?}", peter);